FINALLY! So humbled to have been a part of this big project and something I always knew Harinie akka would do: publish her own book! 😍 But never in my wildest dreams had I imagined playing a role in it as an illustrator🥺 Such a beautiful and meaningful collection of poems. Completely blown away by Akka’s insightful thoughts, opinions, and beliefs penned artistically into words and lines forming beautiful poems🥺❤️ And Avanti Akka’s amazing designs are just🥺🔥
It was wonderful working with akka for about a year, this experience has certainly changed me for the better in so many ways, be it sketching, visualising, or creativity!
I have no words to explain my feelings for the release of this book, you could say it’s one of the biggest milestones I’ve ever achieved in my life! Thank you SO much akka, for everything. Especially for making me realise over a year that I could actually accomplish such a big feat.♥️
Poems, Conception of Illustrations, Verse translations by Harinie Jeevitha @hariniejeevitha16
Illustrations by @meghnaunni.paintings
Book designed by @avantinatarajan
Reposted from Harinie Akka’s post: (about the masterpiece Anthology)♥️
‘PERSPECTIVES’—An Illustrated Anthology
Excitement of a first-timer…Gratitude…And a gush of lot of other emotions..But all that I want to do is, smile.. Smile from a distance 🙂
Writing is not something I do everyday. Writing is not like Dancing to me. It has a different place in my life. It is not like Dancing. But it is special.
‘PERSPECTIVES’—I have had this word ringing loud in my ears for years now. I have always wanted to publish a collection of my poems, but never found the courage or the time to work on it seriously.
The Universe decided to manifest my years-long intention in its own, inscrutable ways. Working on this anthology from May 2020, has been an extremely immersive experience with many, many lessons learnt..
There are a lot of things that I wish to say about the book and a whole lot of people to thank. Ever grateful to all those who have contributed to this book either knowingly or unknowingly.
Just a quick note of thanks to the two important people behind this book—Meghna Unnikrishnan, thanks for breathing life into the book with your artwork❤Avanti akka, thanks for grasping my ideas in the wink of an eye❤
To all those who seldom question my perspectives and to those who seldom never question them—I am grateful.
To all those who embrace my perspectives and to those who dismiss them—I am grateful.
Perspectives, thus the world.
‘PERSPECTIVES’…releasing in a few weeks…Watch out this space for more information about the book 🙂
‘PERSPECTIVES’—An Illustrated Anthology by Harinie Jeevitha Akka & Illustrated by me
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