Most kids feel that they are in agony during exams and wait for holidays. But after the holidays arrive, again they are caught in the clutches of “boredom”, without knowing what to do to while away their time.

So here are some tips developed by me to help you all during vacation time….

Read lots of books :

As many people say, even I would like to tell you that reading books is really good. It really helps to improve your English as well as your vocabulary. If you feel your English has been downtrodden by your vernacular slang, reading is the best remedy. It not only improves language, but also provides entertainment.

Some people just push away this suggestion claiming that reading is not meant for them. But what I have to say to such people are : Try to read the first book of any famous series, like The Harry Potter series, or the Percy Jackson series, and see the magic unfold. You will surely be magically attracted to world of books then.

To make my vacation more interesting, even I have taken a vow that I would try to finish atleast half of the books stored in my small library.

Try out now hobbies :

You can start doing embroidery or calligraphy. You can start to learn how to solve your Rubik’s Cube (which is sure to hook you up till the last day of your vacation!), or try out glass painting. You can even start writing a story. You never know when you’ll become a William Shakespeare! Or learn stitching from your grandma. Try out origami. All these can help you overcome boredom as well.

Learn more about Indian Mythology :

This vacation, I read about Indian gods and goddesses, and found it quite interesting. I don’t know whether everyone would like it, but I would recommend you to try it. It’s like the sky, vast and has unlimited and wonderful legends of various gods and goddesses.

Start re-designing your room:

This is a fruitful and creative thing to do during free time. Clean up messy cupboards and arrange them according to your creativity. Try to decorate your room. This way you can make your room look attractive as well as impress your parents by your clean room!

Tips to overcome vacation boredom….
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2 thoughts on “Tips to overcome vacation boredom….

  • April 6, 2018 at 4:51 pm

    I agree with what you wrote Meghna☺ . There is so much to do only if you look at the right places…Cooking is an additional creative activity too?!

    • April 6, 2018 at 4:54 pm

      True… Thank You for adding more points to my article 🙂 🙂


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