Everybody on Earth has a passion or a hobby. No one can deny it. It can be anything. For instance it can be the usual ones such as dancing, painting, singing, reading, writing, sports, gaming, and so on. But it can also be the ones you don’t give much attention to, like talking, gossiping, criticising, traveling, searching for new things on the net, watching Youtube videos, watching movies, listening to songs, writing a diary, arranging things on a shelf and sometimes even cooking.

It is important that we have hobbies and passions in our lives. It is this thing called passion that brings happiness, satisfaction and joy into our lives. Many of these hobbies and passions, if practised and encouraged, can bring out very helpful results in the future. It is amazing if you are able to bring up your passion along with your usual school studies, and transform your passion into your career or occupation. Just imagine how nice that would be!

India has enough of engineers, doctors, and IT workers. We have a lack of proper encouragement of passions. There are so many people who are very talented in various fields: dance, painting, music, writing and so much more. But the only things that get famous and well-known are film-acting and sports, because they’re well paid. But that doesn’t declare that they’re the only skills prevalent in Indians. In fact, there are so many different skills and a variety of talents that you would find in Indian people more than in other countries.

But what I actually wanted to tell is that, we must discover the hidden talent within us and bring it up successfully. Imagine a daily routine wherein you only study the school things, doing homeworks, writing exams and so on. You won’t have any sort of entertainment. Hence, it is a must that you have some or the other hobby to keep your mind elevated. Anything which gives you happiness and satisfaction (but not at the cost of disobeying your elders or harming others) must be done regularly to take your mind off from negative things like work, study and the like.

Your passion is the one that make you creative, imaginative, and allows you to think freely. It relaxes your mind and if you foster it and try hard, you can turn it into your career and relax throughout your life, rather than breaking your head on working out or studying things you aren’t interested in!

Why Are Our Passions IMPORTANT?
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One thought on “Why Are Our Passions IMPORTANT?

  • May 19, 2022 at 3:10 pm

    उत्साहो बलवानार्य नास्त्यूत्साहापरं बलम।


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