Still Life Another College Assignment done using Soft Pastels! Guava and the Glass | Still Life Painting in Soft Pastels Second Pic : Reference picture clicked by me
Guava and the Glass | Still Life Painting in Soft Pastels

Still Life Another College Assignment done using Soft Pastels! Guava and the Glass | Still Life Painting in Soft Pastels Second Pic : Reference picture clicked by me
My Gift to Jayasree Chittamma… Birds & Fruits Painting. Mixed Medium. Mediums: Acrylic & Oil Pastels
My new Fruit Basket and Fruits Still Life Painting (Medium: Plastic Crayons). Hope everybody likes these paintings.
‘Banana’ Painting using Plastic Crayons. My recent work using Plastic crayons. I just loved it. 🙂
Orange Painting. This is done using plastic crayons as the medium. I just loved this medium. Earlier I thought it as a very dry crayon which will not blend well. Now I am satisfied with the outcome of continuous work
‘Apple Painting’ by Me using Plastic Crayons. Never thought it would be so nice using plastic crayons.
This Cherries drawing using Steadler Water Colour Pencils is inspired by another artist’s painting. This painting is done by me as part of my drawing lessons.
Racoons with an Apple Bucket painting done by me is for an art contest held earlier this year. I liked the colour combination in this picture with various coloured apples in the bucket. Two Raccoons are trying to eat them.
Supriya Kalaanilayam, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh had conducted an all India art competition and exhibition 2014 earlier this year. I had sent two paintings for the competition and has won Gold Medal. My First Painting is of a Raccoon with a
Blueberry Painting by Meghna, Chennai. Medium Used : Oil Pastels Work Done in : September 2013